Vermont 211 provides all people in Vermont with free access to community resources information and referral (I&R). This access includes personal assistance by telephone by dialing 211, by text, and through an online, searchable database of services.
The mission of Vermont 211 is to promote the health and well-being of all people in Vermont through a statewide information and referral system for streamlined access to community resources.
Vermont 211 is a single, centralized community resource information center, providing high quality statewide information and referral (I&R) services in accordance with national standards.

People served
In its first year of operation, 4,974 people in Vermont called Vermont 211. In 2021, 211 received 47,111 contacts and made 25,173 referrals. There also were 30,113 searches on our online Community Resource Directory during 2021. As Vermont 211 is an integral partner in disaster response and recovery, 211’s contact volume surges during emergencies. In 2011 (Tropical Storm Irene) and again in 2020 (Pandemic), over 50,000 contacts were responded to, doubling in volume from month to month.
Use of the service increases as more awareness grows and as new partnerships are formed. We also produce reports that provide a valuable barometer of the health and human service needs of Vermonters. When callers dial 211 (option 6), they can speak with trained Help Me Grow Child Development Specialists who connect children and their families to community-based services and resources for children from birth through age eight. They offer care coordination and help with navigating services to ensure families connect to the resources and services they need.

formation of vermont 211
The organizational structure, standards and service model for Vermont 211 were determined in collaboration with more than 30 public and private agencies throughout the state, including local United Ways, Agency of Human Services, Vermont E-911, hospitals, Vermont Department of Libraries, community mental health agencies, and providers of information and referral services statewide. United Ways of Vermont (UWVT) provides administrative and fiscal oversight.
Vermont 211 is funded by individual United Way agencies throughout Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Human Services, Federal and State funds, and grants from local foundations.
Vermont 211 collects town, county and statewide data and feeds it back to communities to help make systemic change. Monthly reports representing the needs of every county, as shown in the numbers of referrals, are available on our website.