SOS - Starting Over Strong - Help For Those Affected By July Flooding

Disasters can hit, and recovery can feel impossible. But there is nothing stronger than the support Vermonters provide each other. Vermont 211 stands with the community during challenging times. In response to the flooding in 2023, we want you to know that the Department of Mental Health's Starting Over Strong Vermont program is here to help. Call 211 for free local support. Other numbers to reach 211: 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636.
Starting Over Strong Vermont is a Flood Recovery Outreach Program that helps survivors recover and rebuild their lives after a disaster. It provides short-term connections that involve assisting disaster survivors in understanding their current situation and reactions, mitigating stress, developing coping strategies, and accessing sources of emotional support. It also encourages linkages with other individuals and agencies that help survivors in their recovery process.
"Starting Over Strong Vermont embodies our dedication to showing up for our communities when they need it most and serves as a reminder of the resilience that each of us, as Vermonters, possesses." Said Department of Mental Health Commissioner Emily Hawes. “While we can't always predict when these challenges will surface, our goal is to make sure folks have the support they need to prioritize their mental well-being so we can come back stronger together when disasters do occur.”
All contact is confidential and anonymous. It can take place in the community, the home, or other convenient location. Available in the counties that FEMA approved for Individual Assistance: Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor Counties.
For more information, visit: